Mathematical Education

The program lasts for 4 semesters. The plan of studies contains 1110 hours of courses for which one can obtain 129 ECTS credits. A necessary condition for graduation is completion of at least 1000 hours of classes and obtaining at least 120 ECTS credits.

Cele kształcenia

Graduate of mathematical studies with the MSc degree has comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of mathematics, which makes him  able to work  in various positions and use mathematical tools in the IT, financial, commercial or industry sector. Professional teaching of mathematics in school or at an academic level is also possible. The graduate may also continue education in a PhD school.

Sylwetka absolwenta

The graduate:

  • has in-depth understanding of mathematics and its applications, ability to construct mathematical reasoning and testing of mathematical hypotheses
  • can acquire knowledge and skills on his own,
  • has the ability to think in abstract way, to communicate and explain mathematical ideas
  • can create and apply mathematical models in solving practical problems
  • uses advanced computer tools,
  • is ready to contunue education in PhD school.

Kwalifikacje absolwenta specjalności

Absolwent jest przygotowany do nauczania matematyki w szkole na wszystkich poziomach kształcenia, ma dobre przygotowanie merytoryczne, dydaktyczne, pedagogiczne i psychologiczne, potrafi wykorzystywać nowoczesne narzędzia multimedialne, ma zdolność dostosowywania wiedzy i umiejętności do zmieniających się warunków nauczania.

Marcin Pitera
Cz, 25 lis 2021 23:41:37 +0000