Ordered courses

Students commencing their course of mathematics in the Institute of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Of the Jagiellonian University will obtain a unique support under the programme "ordered courses". In the competition ran by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the project entitled: "The raise of number of the mathematics graduates and the increase of their competence" prepared by the Institute of Mathematics of the Jagiellonian University reached a high 7th place and our Institute will be granted funds for its implementation. The project involves allocating almost 5 million zlotys for the education of students that will choose to study at the Institute of Mathematics of the Jagiellonian University in the years 2011 and 2012. The facilities include:

  • stipend programme (in the academic year 2011/12 the total number of 65 students will obtain a grant of 1000 zlotys a month),
  • additional classes that will supplement the knowledge obtained in secondary schools and will help to adapt to the requirements of mathematical studies,
  • special conservatory and computer laboratories that prepare students to implement mathematics into practice with the usage of computer science technology,
  • paid apprenticeships in the most prestigious companies will be available best students (45 three-months-long apprenticeships are planned with salary of 1500-2000 zlotys per month),
  • competitions (total amount of prizes is estimated for 31500 zlotys):
    • for the best dissertation in the field of mathematical applications
    • for the best visualisation of a mathematical problem.  

Special support is also planned for disabled students. The programme refers to students that start their bachelor studies at mathematics in the academic year 2011/12 and 2012/13. They will have the opportunity to participate in the programme throughout the whole period of bachelor education (3 years). The programme terminates in the year 2015.

Furthermore, students beginning their studies this year will get the chance to take part in the current project of "ordered courses" run by the Institute of Mathematics (this programme terminates in the year 2012), therefore during their first year they will be able to receive immense support from both the old and the new project. The previous project includes unique adaptation and supporting training thanks to which our students will have the opportunity to revise and broaden their knowledge gained in the secondary school. It will also enable them to better understand the subjects during their first year of studies and get prepared to the requirements of higher mathematics. Within the old project students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University are also allowed to participate in the students' competitions in the field of mathematics and computer science. Total prize amounts to 35 thousand zlotys.

(*) the amount of stipends granted will depend on the number of students starting their education in mathematics at the Jagiellonian University in the academic year 2011/2012. The condition for granting all 65 stipends is to admit over 222 students at the course of mathematics. 30 stipends are guaranteed.

Published Date: 16.06.2011
Published by: Marcin Pitera